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English Pale Ale Malt (Crisp)

English Pale Ale Malt (Crisp)

Regular price $0.11 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.11 USD
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This English Pale Malt is sourced locally from farmers who are in partnership with Crisp (located in the United Kingdom) and are qualified as the very best malting barley growers. In processing, the high cast moisture levels and long slow germination guarantee both well and evenly modified malt ideally suited to ale brewing. The characteristic elevated colours and balanced malty sweet flavour result in this malt being one of the most popular and distinctive types worldwide.

Crisp Best Pale Ale Malt is well suited to the traditional ale brewing technique of infusion mashing and top fermentation but is well matched to process and brew in more modern plants. 
Lovibond:  2.5 - 3.5
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